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Thread #153083   Message #3584115
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
14-Dec-13 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Christmas gift to the needy
(In calm conversational tones)

Sure I do...but you don't seem to differentiate between what actually is, versus how you want it to be. What may be 'true' according to one's hopeful agenda, is very often not true when it comes to what really is.

'NiP' brought a a great point on that very issue, although he/she worded it a bit different.
In the Obamacare thread, you pointed out that Obama's ultimate goal was a 'single payer plan', (which if you'll remember I previously said would have been better than this stupid mess we have now), and 'NiP' pointed out that if that was the case, the Obama administration could have gone straight to that, being, at the time, the Dems had control of both Houses of Congress, and there was no obstruction from the Repubs to do just which case, Obama and crew has deceived not only the majority of Americans...but even the Democrats as well!!...(well those who actually read the bill, as opposed to going along with strict partisan lines. Dennis Kucinich actually read it, and was opposed to it, in favor of a single payer plan, as well. Though he was pressured by the Obama Administration to sign on to it, but he chose not to run again, as I previously noted. The fact that he did that, tells us that he knew 'something was rotten in Denmark'.

All that being said, instead of calling it as it really is, you've been 'supportive' of Obama's deceitful tactics, which, as I previously noted, deceived the Democrats as the point that the next election, they lost the majority of the House of Reps...and are looking at a grim midterm election, as well.
What we do know, is that the present law, forces people into a system which seems to jack up premium rates for everyone, while raising deductibles so high, that people essentially are as without coverage at that is as plain as day...and it is true. Because of this slight of hand, it will ultimately be the 'people' who will decide, by not enrolling at all....and as 'Nip' noted so very eloquently, ""Anybody who lies, distorts, misinforms, twists, spins, manipulates and then resorts to defaming other's character by name calling, slanderous remarks, and false accusations, ALWAYS LOSES because it is just a matter of time before the truth comes out and when it does the foolish behaviour of the one who employs such tactics is revealed for what it is, and when that is revealed then the employer of such tactics is also revealed as a fool!

That was simple. That was so simple that even a simpleton could understand it. Were you able to get it?

Meanwhile after reviewing this thread I still did not criticise the bill but merely voice disapproval of the lies surrounding it. Lies that you not only approve of but have repeated. This is foolishness. Only a fool would disagree."

Have you noticed that the public is just 'rushing out' to enroll in massive droves to take advantage of this 'wonderful' program????

At the very best, it was a shoddy attempt at cronyism....and why you have defended this practice of deceit by the administration, certainly reflects back onto you. You may argue that the Dems did it to get around Repubs obstacles...but that is just a fascicle talking point...the Dems had no obstruction to getting it passed, other than the few in their own party who actually read the bill!

So, in coming full circle, I reiterate, "but you don't seem to differentiate between what actually is, versus how you want it to be. What may be 'true' according to one's hopeful agenda, is very often not true when it comes to what really is."

If you could get passed your arrogance and stubbornness, how could you disagree?

As a side note, I've always maintained that both the major parties are corrupt...and this is just another display of it.

There is NO excuse for don't make one...or don't use theirs.
(It'll make you out to be a 'liar').
