The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28713   Message #358469
Posted By: Jeri
16-Dec-00 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: Power and Performing
Subject: Power and Performing
No, this is about neither electricity or Viagra.

I just had a discussion with someone about the feeling one can get when leading a song or tune, or actually performing on a stage.

I sing songs in a session. I never thought I'd enjoy perfoming. In my fondest dreams, I'd hoped to one day be comfortable singing in front of others. What happened is I've come to love it. When I sing and hear other voices joining in, I feel powerful - I feel like I'm lifted up by the combined voices.

My discussion partner said that one of the most amazing and scary things was being on stage and singing, and the whole room going so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, and knowing that for that song, the audience is completely focused on you.

I guess there are at least two sides to this - the give and take of energy, and the attention you get for doing something worth paying attention to. For me, both of these things are something new, and my reactions intense.

So, do you know what I'm talking about? Does it happen to you? For those of you who've been performing for a long time, does the honeymoon end, the feelings wear off?