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Thread #115883   Message #3584701
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
16-Dec-13 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Oh, stop acting so snobby(it's unbecoming) aren't as educated as you try to make off.

Here, I'll give you one...(almost)...Social Security and Medicare (though Obamacare has in it the shrinking of funding for both Medicare and Medicaid over time...)

Taxes? nope..JFK thought that cutting taxes was good for the fact Reagan was criticized (or praised) for his 'Reaganomics' as not being original, but a repeat of JFK's policies.

Size of government?..Check out some of the quotes from JFK and you tell me...

"I don't believe in big government"—Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate, 1960

"I believe in the balanced budget"—Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate, 1960

Would you ever hear those words come out of the mouth of Obama? Pelosi? Biden? Wasserman-Schultz?

NASA?...Obama cut NASA JFK made it a priority.

Foreign policy?...Any 'preemptive strikes' or other such, such as Libya? Afghanistan?..BTW Obama promised to be out of Afghanistan BY 2014...don't know if you noticed, but we're still there...(must be that opium trade, huh?)
Cuba??..No invasion support for the Mafia and oil corps/intelligence community for that one..but a blockade to keep the missiles from being delivered...which ended with us having to remove our missiles from Turkey as part of the negotiated settlement. The 'Bay of Pigs' invasion was correctly NOT supported by JFK..and as a result, he wanted such operations UNDER the military and Commander in Chief, instead of 'private groups'...causing him to commission the SEALS for such covert ops..putting them UNDER the military...(more on that, if you'd like)...
Syria??..Well JFK gained the respect from the world for standing up to the Soviets..Obama was a puss with his 'Red line' rhetoric, and Putin had to come in and he gained respect.
Allies??..The trusted us then...they don't fact they are leery of us.
Monetary policies?..He wanted to abolish the Fed. Obama is married to them.
.....and more, but those are pretty major ones that if he were doing those today, you'd label him a 'Conservative'.

Unions?..He was NOT anti-union, BUT, he was anti corruption in the unions....(some people can't tell the difference).

Did I think JFK was a GREAT president?..Not all the way, he was considered weak in the first two years, but he did step up to the plate....and, though I didn't/don't agree with his morals, at least he had better taste in his women!

On that one, you and I should agree!