The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3585166
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Dec-13 - 10:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"Jim, you yourself must remember many of those incidents."
Where is your evidence that they all - or even half or a quarter of them took place?
Where is your evidence that they were 'religious' attacks and not just attacks on people who happened to belong to a certain religion?
Nobody is denying that Christians are being persecuted - you, on the other hand, have attempted to play down and dismiss crimes of persecution by Christian churches on it's own and other believers - even to the extent of trying to prevent discussion on that fact.
This shit comes from an extremist hate site - you have given it your wholehearted support and demanded that we follow your line in swallowing it wholesale without proof.
You have now made yourself an open part of the hate machine - do not use Mudcat as your mouthpiece.
You want to go through this diatribe of hate article by article and show us which are true - feel free- it should keep you occupied from now to MacColl's 100th in 2015 - it will certainly slow your 'hate' gallop down considerably
It will also underline your dedication to hate-sites - always handy to know where the dog has shat before you put your foot down!
You appear to be single-handedly polluting an excellent forum with your diatribes of hate (don't really count Boo-boo, whose feet in morth make him little to a Laurel to your Hardy, good for light amusement and little more)
There has to come a time when the administrators of this site put a stop to your outpourings of hate and bigotry - it really is getting out of hand.
The sooner it happens, the cleaner the air.
Now - your proof, and please stop insulting our intelligence with your rantings
Jim Carroll