The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3585775
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
21-Dec-13 - 02:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Now you are managing to pretend you are a revisionist historian yourself.

By the way, if my interpretation of the two words is a bit too simplistic for you, that's a sign of your problem not mine. Saying I make shit up and don't understand words I use is just another way of saying you have made an arse if yourself yet again and trying to deflect the embarrassment.

Well done.


Only 24 hours to church. Ironed your blazer yet? Don't forget to give thanks for doing the Lord's work on this thread. You are working tirelessly to demonstrate the specialness and superiority of Christianity and should be proud of yourself.

Superfluous comment I suppose. I reckon you are proud of yourself. Don't forget to say a prayer for the new victims of Christian persecution in Uganda. The perpetrators have enough Christians praying for them.

Ironically, most of the victims are Christians too but are being persecuted in the name of Christianity. Anyone would think this persecution lark was more to do with majority persecuting minority rather than choosing imaginary friends.