The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152764   Message #3585989
Posted By: dulcimer42
23-Dec-13 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: 2013 Secret Santa tormenting can begin
Subject: RE: BS: 2013 Secret Santa tormenting can begin
Santa.   Your elf arrived.   He must have had skiis on that sleigh to make it through the high water we have had here the past couple f days.   I must admit...   I did not wait 'till Christmas.   Well, there was not a "Do not open until...." tag on it.    A box of music!   For what more could one ask?   Maggie Sansone is one of my favorites.   Saw her at a festival out in Leesburg maybe a dozen or more years ago. I have one of the vocal samplers in my car right now. A great Christmas gift.   Thank you, Santa.