The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153040   Message #3586133
Posted By: 10r
23-Dec-13 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: 'Insight' - Inside Llewyn Davis
Subject: RE: 'Insight' Llewyn Davis
I didn't get to NYC/Greenwich Village until the 70s, but I did
experience the early folk scene in Chicago (Earl of Old Town,
the Old Town School of Folk Music, etc.)For the most part it was a friendly group. There were exceptions. Arlo Guthrie tells the story of how he met Steve Goodman and heard the song City of New Orleans, basically he admits to being an $#$%*&6. During my time in NYC I found the folk scene very friendly and welcoming. It was not unusual for people you know to invite you up to do a song with them, etc.
The mention of the Gaslight, Kettle of Fish and other clubs bring back very pleasant memories of the times I spent in those places.

I found the documentary about making Llewyn Davis pretty interesting as well as the concert film.