The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28722   Message #358656
Posted By: Guy Wolff
17-Dec-00 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: history of open tunings
Subject: history of open tunings
Hello all> I am staring on a new cd of music from our local finishing school, The Litchfield Female Acadamy.. It was open here in Ct between 1792 & 1823.. Our local historical so. has kept the music that the young ladies practiced to for upcoming balls.. They are incredable I most say and I am very excited to get going..
I am getting a Borouque flute player( John Hoit made fluts in Litchfield at that time) A bass viol and a fiddle for these peices Forte Piano is also a possability and I want to add some stuff on Parlor guitar. There was a great Guitar and banjo maker in the next town in 1840's (John Ashborn and I am lucky enough to have one of his early parlor guitars)
The question here is dose anyone have any ideas on how early open tunings were used on parlor guitars??? I am using both Vestable(D) and Spanish (G) plus some A minor tuing ala G/SUS4 in a very MArtin Carthy-ESCK way
Any help here will be very apreciated.. I will do it even if it is historicaly unheard of but it would be nice if there was any provenance(SP??) in this derection.. All the best to everyone<