The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153180   Message #3586560
Posted By: Mr Red
25-Dec-13 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Polar Ice Cap Now Officially Gone
Subject: RE: BS: Polar Ice Cap Now Officially Gone
the only people who are baffled by all this are those that don't read the signs.
Migratory birds, the first frost of the autumn, the size of the polar ice cap year on year.

Global warming is happening and to think it will just mean warmer weather is simplistic at best and fanciful at least.

We can expect a weather pattern that doesn't fit the historical norm. Warmer seas means more evaporation, more precipitation, more hurricanes and more typhoons. And not in the places you want it.

Al Gore missing a prediction by a few years is NOTHING in comparison with climate change skeptics with their heads in the sand. At least there will be more desert for them to stick their addled pates in. And if they go there the deserts will be too hot for any humans at any time of year - there are places like that now, reputedly.

The argument is not "global warming?", but why? And one look at the light across the world seen from space will tell you why - burning 500 million years of insolation in 100 years.

The Earth will survive, and recover --- humans doubtful!