The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153269   Message #3588155
Posted By: gnu
01-Jan-14 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Six Bucks for Starbucks
Subject: RE: BS: Six Bucks for Starbucks
Well, none of it ever made sense to me. I would never pay someone any price to make me a coffee unless I was at a restaurant and it was included in the meal. Even then, I say "No thank you but I could use a bit more icewater."

Here's one for ya. Kissmeass Day, my nephew arrived at SiL's (she has one a them there fancy expensive coffer makers) with 4 coffees in a tray. Now. Think about that. He bought coffee from someone* making minimum wage working at 10AM on Kissmeass??? What is wrong with these people? Nephew included.

* I shall refrain from saying the name of the HUGE Canuck company except to say it was not Tim's.