The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152434   Message #3589074
Posted By: sciencegeek
04-Jan-14 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Subject: RE: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Whatever happened to separation of church & state?

"A group of Denver nuns who run nursing homes for the poor, called the Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged, say signing that form makes them complicit in providing contraceptive coverage, and therefore violates their religious beliefs. They want Sotomayor to make the injunction permanent until the case can be hashed out in court, or for the Supreme Court to agree to take their case now.

Government officials "are simply blind to the religious exercise at issue: The Little Sisters and other applicants cannot execute the form because they cannot deputize a third party to sin on their behalf," said their lawyer, Mark Rienzi, who is also senior counsel for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty."

Religious Liberty, my eye... tyranny is more like it. Imposing religious beliefs on others without their consent. Who will they go after next? Same sex couples? Some churches preach that homosexuality is a sin.. so it's OK   to deny them health coverage 'cause they're sinners?

If your workforce is a bunch of good little Catholics, then they won't take advantage of birth control, etc.... but that is THEIR CHOICE not a bunch of nuns, etc.

I have to pay taxes to support a bunch of wars that I knew were a bad idea... thou shalt not kill is an actual commandment, Moses didn't bring down an 11th one that said thou shalt not take the pill.