The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152942   Message #3589205
Posted By: GUEST,Mac McLeod
05-Jan-14 - 09:41 AM
Thread Name: The Borderers' Folk Club (Bruggen)
Subject: RE: The Borderers' Folk Club (Bruggen)
Just got this from Ralph Wilson . I was the organiser of the Borderers at Bruggen from 1973 -77. Many a fine folk singer passed through , the McCalmans , the Late Hamish Imlach , Also now deceased Doug Porter and Graham Cooper . I was fortunate to meet up with them again once back in Blighty. I met up with Roy Harris again in Wootton Bassett , now Royal W.B.This was in maybe '78 at the Old Nick folk club ,Dark and damp but with such atmosphere . Hi Roy , if you are reading this . I still have your signed album Champions of Folly and am about to play it again right now. Martin Carthy was on that and he was the guest and Honorary Graduate (Doctor of Music) at my Grand daughters Graduation from U.C.L.A.N. Preston about four years ago. He sang and played , what a surprise for myself and my daughter who just remembered him from that album . Funny old world !! I would love to have an idea of where you perform and when . Thanks Ralph will e mail you back.
