The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28713   Message #358939
Posted By: KingBrilliant
18-Dec-00 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: Power and Performing
Subject: RE: Power and Performing
This is a very interesting discussion. I have a different point of view to some of the above. I know that I sing best in front of an audience (singarounds & festival campsites etc), but beyond that I'm fairly oblivious to whether anyone is actually listening or not. I often go off into a wierd state when I'm singing & when the song finishes its almost a surprise to remember where I am and that there is anyone there. If people are listening and liked the song then that makes me happy, but if they were all chatting or whatever then I'm still happy. Its the power of singing that gets me, probably more for me & the song itself than for an audience. Anyone else feel the same? Or have an other different experience? Its probably a selfish attitude - but I can't help that. Do you think that the sharing and communication thing is the only valid way to go, or is it OK to perform on a one-way basis (broadcasting rather than dialogueing)?
