The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152434   Message #3589505
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Jan-14 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Subject: RE: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
...another fruitless dodge from our resident topic 'avoider'....

I didn't think someone with such a short memory and/or attention span could keep up a salient conversation anyway...

GfS: OK..we are talking about Obamacare....
You were asked some questions, and open comments, to which you are dancing around to avoid the issue, (that you've run out of bullshit talking points)
Answer or respond to the comments relating to the topic."

So, you say you are for 'single payer'....why are you supporting a law, that to remedy the system based on insurance companies making healthcare so unaffordable that people could not afford it...that makes it a LAW to go to THOSE insurance companies for insurance, for healthcare?...and, those companies have it structured, with the direct aid of the 'government', that makes healthcare unaffordable??...and don't go into the bullshit Republican obstruction DEAD argument, when Obamacare was passed with a majority in the BOTH Houses of Congress, AND the White House???
If the Republicans pulled off such a stunt, you'd be screaming bloody murder!..but you give a pass to '
AIG Bailout Obama'??? (AIG - American International Group, Inc. NYSE)
Who exactly are the fucking dupes here????

THERE!...Some direct questions, re-phrased and made simple, for even those, such as yourself, afflicted with dementia!

Try answering them. It should be easy.
You can start off with, "Maybe Obama isn't the 'liberal' he was made out to be....and the 'so-called liberals' sucking up to him are silly, misled fools!

Give it a shot!