The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3018   Message #3589831
Posted By: Jim Dixon
07-Jan-14 - 03:50 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Stagger Lee / Stack O'Lee / etc.
Subject: Lyr Add: ORIGINAL STACK O'LEE BLUES (Reed/Hull)
As sung by Long "Cleve" Reed and Little Harvey Hull, on Black Patti 8030-B, 1927.

Stack O'Lee was a bully; he bullied all his life.
Well, he bullied to Chicago town with a ten-cent pocket knife.
And he's gone, Stack O'Lee.

Stack said to Billy: "How can it be
You arrest a man ... as me, but you won't 'rest Stack O'Lee?"
And he's gone, Stack O'Lee.

Stack says to Billy: "Don't you take my life.
Well, I ain't got none but two little children and a darlin' lovin' wife
And he's gone, Stack O'Lee.

"One is a boy and the other'n is a girl."
"Well, you may see your children again but it'll be in another world."
And he's gone, Stack O'Lee.

Standing on a corner, well, I didn't mean no harm.
Well, a policeman caught me; well, he grabbed me by my arm.
And he's gone, Stack O'Lee.

Stack O'Lee and Billy had a noble fight.
Well, Stack O'Lee killed Billy deLyon one cold dark stormy night.
And he's gone, Stack O'Lee.

Standing on a hilltop a dog begin to bark.
Well, it wasn't nothin' but Stack O'Lee come creeping in the dark.
And he's gone, Stack O'Lee.

- - -
This recording is on several albums that can be heard at Spotify. On one of them, the artist is called "Big Boy Cleveland."