The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3018   Message #3589921
Posted By: Jim Dixon
08-Jan-14 - 12:36 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Stagger Lee / Stack O'Lee / etc.
Subject: Lyr Add: STACK O' LEE (Cliff Edwards)
This song took up both sides of a 78-rpm record. You can hear both sides at YouTube:

As recorded by Ukulele Ike (Cliff Edwards) on Columbia 1820-D, 1928.

Part 1.

1. Listen, folks; I'm gonna tell you a story you've never heard.
It's all about a high yellow colored man; there's truth in every word.
I'm talkin' 'bout the man called Stack o' Lee.

2. It was in Saint Louis on Pine Street; that's rezactly where it was at.
Stack up an' shot himself a competin' colored man on account of a dirty old Stetson hat,
And from then on they called him Hard Luck Stack o' Lee.

3. The sheriff came up and said: "Hello, Stack; let's have a little talk."
Then he throwed the handcuffs on his back and said: "Come on, buddy; let's walk."
Down to the jailhouse they took poor Stack o' Lee.

4. Stack's gal went to get some bond money, for somebody to go his bail.
She said: "There ain't a trick in this world that I wouldn't turn to get my Stack out o' jail."
Oh, how she loved her Stack o' Lee!

5. Next mornin' down in the courtroom, the judge sat down on the bench.
The first one to occupy the witness stand was old Stacko's sweet lovin' wench.
She said: "I'm gonna argue with the jury for Stack o' Lee."

6. The judge got up and called the sentence; his eyes was filled with tears.
He said: "I'm gonna be good to you this time, Stack; I'm only gonna give you sixty-nine years.
You've got plenty o' time now, Stack o' Lee."

7. They told him, said: "Don't ever sharpen your razor; brother, don't shave your face.
Don't ever ask anybody the hour of the day, 'cause you ain't goin' noplace.
You're in here from now on, Stack o' Lee."

8. This song is just about half through; to get it all on here, I've tried.
You better stop your machine, turn your record over, and play the other side,
And you'll hear some more of the song called Stack o' Lee.

Part 2

9. Stack-o's gal was a good gal, 'most ev'rybody knows.
She said: "I gotta go and get myself a lot o' bucks to buy Stack some new prison clo'es.
Anyway I must provide for Stack o' Lee."

10. But one mornin' she began to moan. Great God, how she cried!
She got a letter from the jailhouse, said: "Lady, your Stack has died.
He just up and kicked the bucket, did Stack o' Lee."

11. She went out and got a big rubber-tire hearse; she got a little ol' lonesome hack,
Took him on out to the graveyard, laid him right down on his back,
And then they kicked a lot o' dirt on the face of Stack o' Lee.

12. A man standin' by said, "Last night while I was sleepin', I had myself an awful dream.
If you got some tar, I got the stem and lamp; I'll show you just how to cook with steam.
I might as well hop right along with Stack o' Lee."

13. But finally, one might say, eventually, Stack o' Lee's gal died.
The last thing she said was that she wanted to be buried right by his side.
She said: "I wants my body to cool with Stack o' Lee."

14. She had a common ordinary fun'ral; she was planted right down by his side.
On the monument read this inscription: "These riders rode their last ride."
And that is the story of the man called Stack o' Lee."

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I have no idea what verse 12 is about.