The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28674   Message #358996
Posted By: Irish sergeant
18-Dec-00 - 09:34 AM
Thread Name: Tricky Dicky's Revenge
Subject: RE: Tricky Dicky's Revenge
O.K., I have my opinion. I think there was BS on bothsides. but I do believe that GW shouldn't be president elect. That's why I voted against him but the courts have spoken. I believe a proper non-partisan recount should have been done and it wasn't. All of my Republican friends on mudcat and elsewhere got what they wanted. Bully for them. Long live King George, God help the nation! The country now gets to relive the Reagan years. Trickle down economics didn't work then, they won't work now, and the honourable Governor of Texas isn't half the manm either Ronnie or George sr are. Enjoy it. As for me I assume with this wonderful new administration, that my dollar will buy less over the next four years. Enjoy the last few days of Clinton. We're in for a hell of a ride over the next four some-odd years. At least with Clinton we could say he slept with women that we wouldn't. Kindest reguards, Neil