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Thread #152434   Message #3590076
Posted By: Don Firth
08-Jan-14 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Subject: RE: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Goofus, I knew you'd find some feeble excuse not to watch it. You're totally wrong about Move On, but that's a convenient excuse for you to simply blow it off.

And George Soros is one of the Good Guys. Yes, he's a Liberal/Progressive. He's a billionaire who has donated many of his billions to fight poverty and promote true Democracy around the world.

Warren Buffet has pointed out that if multi-billionaires, like him, would give half their wealth to charitable causes, they could end poverty in this country and still have enough wealth to continue to live lavishly themselves. And Bill and Melinda Gates are of the same mind.

But I won't waste my time trying to argue the point--with you.

BUT--I urge others to watch the video. The young lady is quite eloquent and knows what she's talking about. Watch the video and make up your own mind.

Don Firth