The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3018   Message #3590496
Posted By: Jim Dixon
09-Jan-14 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Stagger Lee / Stack O'Lee / etc.
Subject: Lyr Add: STACK-A-LEE (Archibald / Leon T Gross)
This song also occupied both sides of a 78-rpm record. It was also issued as a 45.

As recorded by Archibald (Leon T. Gross) on Imperial 5358, 1950.

[Part 1]

I was standin' on the corner when I heard my bulldog bark.
They were barkin' at the two men who were gamblin' in the dark.

That was Stack-A-Lee and Billy, two mens who gambled late.
Stack-A-Lee throwed seven; Billy swore that he throwed eight.

Stack-A-Lee told Billy, "I can't leave you go with that.
You done won all my money and my brand-new Stetson hat."

Stack-A-Lee went runnin' down that lonesome track.
"I won't kill you now, Billy, but don't be here when I come back."

Stack-A-Lee went home and he got his forty-fo',
Says, "I'm goin' to the barroom just to pay that debt I owe."

Stack-A-Lee went to the barroom and he stood across the barroom do',
Says, "Don't nobody move 'cause I got my forty-fo'."

Now old Billy told Stack, "Oh, please don't take my life.
I got three little children and a very sickly wife."

Stack-A-Lee shot Billy; oh, he shot that poor boy so fast,
The bullet went through poor Billy and it broke the bartender glass.

[Part 2]

Stack-A-Lee went round the corner and they shot Stack in his side.
Stack-A-Lee went stumblin' in his mother do'.

He said, "Mother, O Mother, won't you turn me over slow?
I been jabbed in my left side with a police forty-fo'."

When all the ladies heard that Stack, oh, Stack-A-Lee was dead,
Some come dressed in orange color and some come dressed in red.

Stack-A-Lee went to the devil to identify poor Billy's soul,
But the poor boy was absent; he had burnt down to charcoal.

Now the devil heard a rumblin', a mighty rumblin' under the ground.
Said, "That must be mister Stack turnin' Billy upside down."

Now they sit the devil pick on top o' the devil's shelf.
Say, "If you want Mister Stack you go and get him by yourself."

- - -
This recording rose to #10 on the Billboard R&B chart. Lloyd Price recorded a shortened version in 1958 which topped both the R&B and US Pop charts in 1959. Dr. John recorded it more recently.