The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28674   Message #359085
Posted By: DougR
18-Dec-00 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: Tricky Dicky's Revenge
Subject: RE: Tricky Dicky's Revenge
McGrath: I don't know where you are getting your statistics, but I'd like to know. From what I have read, the number of people who vote for other offices, but do not vote for President, in any year is quite high. Because of the disenchantment of millions of potential voters for either candidate this time around, it would seem to me that the figure might be abnormally high in this past election.

Recount the ballots if you like, but count only those votes for either candidate that clearly shows the voter's intent, not what some "reader" interprets as the voter's intent.

Your logic escapes me. Mark it up to old age (on my part) if you like.
