The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3590927
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Jan-14 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Only because you choose to make it part of your Islamophobic campaign Keith
To the world it is about religious persecution everywhere
Compartmentalising persecution into Christian, Muslim, Jew - whatever, adds to that persecution and spread unrest between religions.
The persecution of Christians in no different in any way to your and your kind's persecution of Muslims - both ruin lives and kill people
Your continuing attempts censorship and your open support of persecution by Christians by denying its existence and blaming the victim by saying "they could go and live somewhere else" become a form of persecution in itself
Piss of and stop trying to stifle discussion.
Take your holy war somewhere else, I'm sure your loyal batman will remain at your side through thick and thin.
Jim Carroll