The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3590945
Posted By: MGM·Lion
11-Jan-14 - 06:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Piss of [sic] and stop trying to stifle discussion.

That was J Carroll, if you would believe. Well Hohohohoho! I daresay he's one of the boobies who think that the old adage about the pot & the kettle is racist, becoz they're obsessive doctrinaire fools to whom the word 'black' can only have one possible connotation; but he would do well to consider its implications nonetheless.

I was going to advise him maybe to start yet another thread about the iniquities of the Catholic clergy if he's so exclusively concerned with the topic. But on second thoughts it would be a pity if he left this one, where his perpetual point-missing making·an·even·bigger·fool·of·himself·every·time·he·posts provides so much innocent entertainment.

So Carry On, Carroll! We'll be sure to miss you when you're gone.
