The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3591207
Posted By: MGM·Lion
12-Jan-14 - 01:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Re your last post, Jim. We obviously differ in our assessments both of Keith's intellect and his motivations. I know there is that one quote of his ("I now believe...") you always cite out of context. I can [& sometimes do] just as easily quote back at you your peculiarly inapposite "educated" denunciation of me, &/or your invention of my having accused them of 'stealing our jobs' when I had done no such thing & your attempt to claim it as simply a rhetorical extrapolation of what I really must think or some such dishonest evasiveness. You have accused me of bigotry many times, as it happens: especially when I posted some assessments of my view of Islam as a faith [which led to that oddly quaint denunciation of Richard's that I was criticising one religion more than another which still gives me a good old chuckle when I think of it!] and why it was injudicious for any country to allow its adherents, even the non-extreme sort, to become a significant minority demographic within their population ~~ see the "Unnamed soldier" thread, 10 & 12 June 13.

All of which leaves me still thinking [of course it's my opinion, not yours: it would be, wouldn't it?] that this is not the thread on which to air your views on choirboy-shagging priests &c.

Still, there you go...
