The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153369   Message #3591485
Posted By: Songwronger
12-Jan-14 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Steals Riverton, Wyoming
Subject: BS: Obama Steals Riverton, Wyoming
Obama's EPA has declared that the city of Riverton, Wyoming, with over 10,000 people is no longer part of the United States and have given it to the Indians. In essence, all Americans living in Riverton are no longer living in the United States and are not eligible for state or federal services. They can also be tossed off land they bought and paid for since their deeds do not have to be recognized by the Indians. The Indians have argued for years that they should get full ownership of 1 million more acres of land because it should be part of their reservation.

The problem is that congress decided the borders in legislation passed in 1905. If this ruling is allowed to stand, the EPA can arbitrarily take land away from its owners and give it to anyone they choose to....§ion_id=29

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is stealing a town. The town was set up by law, and now Obama is ignoring that law in order to establish a precedent that could mean federal seizure of ANY town or area in America.

Senator Ted Cruz recently said Obama's lawlessness is dangerous and terrifying. He was referring, among other things, to how Obama has tweaked Obamacare illegally several times since the law was passed. That's illegal. Obama can't just change a law after congress passed it and he signed it. It takes another act of congress to change the law. Obama is behaving lawlessly with his tweaking of Obamacare.

And now he's using a regulatory agency to dispossess landowners of their property, in contradiction to the law.

The media will now begin to spin this story as a race thing (Obama does love to push that race button whenever he can), but the true story is that a regulatory agency has no legal standing to overrule law. If you allow the executive branch of the federal government to get away with this, then your property may be taken next.