The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153367   Message #3591592
Posted By: GUEST,Grishka
13-Jan-14 - 06:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can People Forgive?
Subject: RE: BS: Can People Forgive?
Eliza, please do not worry too much about words. Anger and outrage are normal reactions to observed wrongdoings, comparable to eating being a reaction to felt hunger. Eating too much is unhealthy and may be a sign that something is wrong with the person's regulatory system. If you work on it as much as you can, you will do yourself and others a favour. Just feeling bad does not help anybody. Neither does measuring oneself against an abstract ideal.

As for prisons, libraries have been written about their aims and reasons, with considerable success, albeit far from conclusive. Excessive collective outrage, like its private counterpart, can be detrimental to forming a peaceful and meaningful society.