The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3592965
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Jan-14 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Part two
You may recall that some time ago you announced that it was your opinion (nobody else's) that all make Pakistanis were culturally implanted to incline them towards having sex with underage girls.
When you were challenged you first denied the implications of what you had written, but when pressed you invented supporters by distorting and editing what they had actually said, and claimed that it was only your opinion because it was theirs also - a strange enough stance in itself.
In the intervening period you have confirmed that this remains your opinion and that you are still prepared to defend it and re - state it - as you are doing now.
You have never at any time produced evidence of any of your 'supporters' ever making such a profoundly racist statement, but it doesn't really matter.
To suggest that an entire race/culture is culturally implanted the way you have is an incredibly racist statement, whoever makes it.
It is the type of claim that filled the Nazi gas-chambers and Mengele's laboratories - then it was that the Jews were culturally and racially inferior, now, it seems, it is the Muslims occupying that position.
In today's situation, it is the type of statement which promotes Mosque burnings, 'Paki bashing', petrol through letter-boxes.... everything that makes racism in Britain today the evil that it is.
It would make miserable and dangerous the lives of every Pakistani family living in Britain – it makes every male Pakistani a potential criminal by way of their culture – the ironic thing, of course is that if you made this claim outside tthe safe haven of the internet you would be committing a crime – the incitement of race hatred.
You have now dropped your mask and are circulating propaganda directly lifted from a Muslim hate site.
I have little doubt you will continue your campaign on this forum, in which case, each time you take over a thread and fill it with your bile, I will remind you of your "implant" statement, and will continue to do so until you stop – you have just given us your recent revelation that you believe yourself to be "infallible", so I look forward to our future meetings.
Jim Carroll

Link 1
Opinion remains divided as to whether these are organised hate crimes targeting non-Muslims or just random theft.

Link 2
The killers were SUSPECTED to be members of the Islamic extremist
Two down, only a thousand to go.