The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3593057
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
17-Jan-14 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Had a quick shufi through the first five items on Keith's list

Date         Country         City/State         Killed         Injured         Description
9/22/2013         Pakistan         Peshawar         61         110         Two Shahid suicide bombers obliterate over sixty worshippers at a church service.
9/14/2013         Pakistan         Karachi         1         0         A Christian's throat is slit on the street after being branded an 'infidel' and blasphemer.
9/13/2013         Tanzania         Zanzibar         0         1         Muslims throw acid on a priest, badly burning him.
9/12/2013         Egypt         Sahel Selim         2         0         Two Copts are shot to death for refusing to pay Jizya to Muslims.
9/8/2013         Syria         Maaloula         3         6         Three Christians are murdered in their home, and six others taken hostage by Islamists.

I remember the church bombing.
The others, if true, seem to be Christians killed because they were Christians.
Shall I check if they are true, or will you Jim?