The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153040   Message #3593135
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
17-Jan-14 - 09:27 PM
Thread Name: 'Insight' - Inside Llewyn Davis
Subject: RE: 'Insight' - Inside Llewyn Davis
you can't help but think that the film gives an opportunity for those of us with some recollection of the cold war era to soberly reflect on our present situation.

Greenwich village's folk community may well have dispersed - but their songs echoed in corners of the world unimagined by their creators.

as a young teenager growing up in Lincolnshire, the airfields that we biked past had rockets and planes loaded with atom bombs - and where have all the flowers done, and blowing in the wind seemed almost written for us. similarly when the trouble kicked off in Northern Ireland - it was under the banner of civil rights - a phrase which had so many resonances of Martin Luther King and Pete Seeger singing If You Miss Me on the back of the Bus.

does it not stir similar sentiments elsewhere - what the music of that era meant to us.