The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3593748
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Jan-14 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
" tho I can't quite see all the cause of your objection to the points I made."
A last word to you - I don't think I have anything more to say than this.
I have explained my family's early involvement with the various anti- Fascist movements - that is the upbringing I received, an abhorrence to all forms of racial and religious discrimination.
In the 1960s I began to visit Manchester regularly, it almost became my second home and for four years it was my home.
Through my involvement in the Peace Movement and my interest in music I met and became very friendly with great number of Jewish people.
My first serious girlfriend came from a family of European refugee Holocaust survivors.
This was less than twenty years after the events and personal bitterness was still very much evidence in every family I met through my friends.
They told me of their experiences 'back home' and described how they had been treated by the German authorities, in particular, how they had been stereotyped as being "impure", "greedy usurers", "child sacrificers" "a threat to the German way of life and purity".....
Their lives became intolerable, not just because of their harsh treatment, but because of the pariah status that had been brought about by the filth that was claimed of them - they had been depicted as a culturally and racially 'deformed people'.
The lucky ones saw what was coming and got out in time - many millions didn't and suffered the consequences - you know all this, I am not attempting to patronise you -- just reminding Achie the Vincible of the consequences of his behaviour, which is not a million miles different to that I had described to me.
Keith has dedicated the major part of his time to depicting Muslims pretty much the same way as the Nazis depicted the Jews.
In doing so he is drawing his information from extremist racist sites, he has claimed an entire race as being culturally perverted and potential terrorists and over the years he has defended the mass murder of innocent refugees, the use of chemical weapons, starvation tactics causing the ill health and death of children.....
He is now describing the opposition to a twentieth century monster in the process of slaughtering his people as "Jihadist conflict".
He has even suggested that it was permissible to sell that monster and others like him weapons, even proposing that he should be supplied with riot control gear to enable him to fill his torture chambers with his opponents rather than having to deal with them in public.
That's the individual you have given your ninety percent plus support to.      
You want to judge religious persecution by counting bodies, I prefer to judge all persecution by the overall and long lasting effect it has by being able to control and destroy peoples existence - not just in the ending of lives but in the drip - drip - drip ruining them
This encompasses all race hatred in all its forms, whether it be Islamic fanatics slaughtering people, clerics raping children, or even young women being forbidden control of their own bodies and lives in the long run, it can all lead to the same extermination camps if left unchecked and unnoticed.
Prejudice and discrimination against Muslims has long been a feature of life in the Christian world, even taking into account the behaviour of Muslim fanatics, Islamophobia remains a major cause of persecution and suffering in the world today.
I don't understand fanatics like Keith whose blind hatred appears to come from his own mind - nothing he has ever argued has ever showed him to be an any way concerned about human beings - all his efforts have gone to supporting regimes and governments.
You have sneered at my anti-racism in the past - substituting name-calling and label-pinning for open argument.
I don't understand Keith and his hate campaigns (he appears to be turning this "Christian persecution" thread into a companion piece to his "Muslim Persecution" epic.
He has even claimed "infallibility" for the views he is circulating (no warning bells or sinister echoes?)
You appear to be happy to join him in his efforts
If I don't understand him, I can't begin to understand you.
I don't think we have anything to say to each other, do you?
Jim Carroll