The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150803   Message #3593860
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
20-Jan-14 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Militant Atheism' is a propaganda term
Subject: RE: BS: 'Militant Atheism' is a propaganda term
Cappy: "Please keep in mind that while many members of this forum do not believe in God, he is the only one going out of his way every to call you names."

Yes, as I've mentioned before, 'name-calling' is a common, but telling tactic of those who have no case, nor anything intelligent to contribute to the topic's they resort to childish playground antics, to see if they can get like-minded nitwits to pile gives them a 'feeling' of 'winning some sort of consensus, to their immature and erroneous position. They can't 'win it' on the merits of reason, logic or common sense!.............and then they can't understand it why the sane people don't take them seriously, OR why people DO NOT want to be like them or adopt their quasi point of view, when the end result is nasty attitude, argumentative immature name calling!!...Jeez!...This is what we are left to believe, as to bottom line of the top of their quest????..They figure the more hostile, rude and stupidity that they exhibit...the more their making their point.....problem is, they ARE making their point.....that they are moronic idiots with nothing to say!!

As to the reason that I came down on Don, is nothing more than the fact that he posted his desperately stupid little libelous 'footnote', when in my prior posts leading up to it, I was NOT personalizing my rhetorical questions to him!...but he had to step right into it...even though a couple of posters call on him to apologize. Knowing that he is incapable, I just fired back some TRUTH at him, illustrating what kind of selfish and self-serving character he is...and his 'points of view' are paved with misinformation and/or flagrant stupidity...THROUGH the YEARS....and he STILL doesn't fucking 'get it'!!
Now he's claiming that SHE 'initiated it'....and he was helplessly deceived by her......well I got news for ya', Dimples,...You seem to have an inclination THROUGH THE YEARS of being susceptible of being deceived...and then turning around and peddling more deception in arguing your 'points'.....and so it has evolved into how you approach politics!!...'In for a penny, in for a pound'.....and folks are, and should be wary of virtually ANYTHING that you apply YOUR limited understanding to, because maybe other people aren't so vulnerable to believe what you choose to believe....just to satisfy YOUR selfish need for ego gratification!!! ...whether it be to recklessly get laid, or promoting some bullshit 'so-called liberal' propaganda d'jour as you did with 'Obamacare' (latest example).
Bottom line, is you naively grab the disinformation, you have a track record of being fooled on serious matters, and then you insult those who don't subscribe to your nonsensical delusions....then he PM's people to come to his 'aide'....and causes them to be made fools out of!...but he don't long as he thinks his latest bullshit is accepted by somebody..anybody....and the only ones he's able to conscript(who haven't given up on him), are jackasses!!....and they are the same jackasses, that display jackass behavior...WHOOOPPIEEE!
Next,you'll be buying them complimentary incense to burn at your autographed pictures of yourself that you'll send them for their birthdays!!!

Good grief, grow up, as opposed to growing into your second childhood, and take some sort of responsibility for being a chronic and terminal fuck up!
....but that's propaganda!!.....getting others to believe bullshit...and that's your life's mission!...that's politics!

OK..I'm done....Go bullshit each other and pat each others on the back, for at least not throwing up on each other!