The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54563   Message #3594577
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Jan-14 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Shoals of Herring (MacColl)
Subject: RE: Origins: Shoals of Herring (MacColl)
"VALUABLE TO SAY, he wrote many good songs and was a good performer,"
Nice of you to say so as the fine performer you are
Who said I actually believe what was said about Killen - what do you want me to do - call a contributor to this thread a liar
". I saw Louis Killen many years ago and he claimed to have put it together as a song. He even laughed about Ewan being asked to sing it and not being able to."
I' used to this shit from revival superstars - why shoul it be any more untrue than all the other garbage
Jim Carroll