The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34246   Message #3595689
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
26-Jan-14 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: Autumn Leaves / Les Feuilles Mortes
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Autumn Leaves / Les Feuilles Morte
(See corrected url below)

Les Feuilles Mortes
Translation Coby Lubliner 2004

Oh. I would like you to remember
Those happy days when we were friends, and how
Life in those times was more lovely and tender,
Even the sun shone more brightly than now,
Dead leaves are gathering as in December
You see how one never forgets ...
Dead leaves are gathering as in December,
Just like the memories and regrets,
And then the North wind comes and sweeps them
Into oblivion's icy night.
You see how I never forgot
That old song that you sang for me.


A song like us, birds of a feather,
You loving me, me loving you,
And we lived happily together,
You loving me, me loving you,
But life tears apart gentle lovers
Who quietly obey their heart,
And the sea invades the sand and covers
The footsteps of those torn apart.

Dead leaves are gathering, dead leaves are piling
UP just like memories and like regrets,
But still my love goes on quietly smiling
Thankful for life and for all that it gets.
I loved you so, you were ever so lovely,
How can I forget? Tell me how!
Life in those times was more sweet and beguiling,
Even the sun shone more brightly than now.
You were my most sweet friend and lover,
But regret just isn't my thing,
And I'll keep hearing all the time
The old song that you used to sing..


Joseph Kosma (1905-1969 )was born in Budapest but moved to France. He wrote the musical scores for several films.