The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3595819
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Jan-14 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"It is not "disgusting" to care about persecution"
Far from caring, once again it has been necessary for members of this forum to stop you from using the fate of persecuted human beings to peddle your hatred of Muslims.
You are using the fate of persecuted Christians as a platform for your hatred, in exactly the same way as you used the murder of a soldier in London and the massacre of the people of Homs to show that all Muslims are "implanted" with something or other to make them crazed killers.
You have continued to advocate that Assad should be supplied with equipment to subdue his people and lock them away, and once again have dredged the internet until you found a tiny group on the other side of the world to (apparently) back up your argument for putting the Syrian people into the hands of a war criminal mass murderer and torturer.
The depth of your 'humanity' is such that you have sneered at and denied the persecution of by Christian churches on their own belivers and have fought tooth-and-nail to have it censored from this discussion.
You have denied the power that religion has over States by suggesting that "if we didn't like it we should move elsewhere" - or words to that effect.
You have put the fact that clerical rape victims and women who died because the religious influence over their state down to "fear of the priest" and claimed that no such influence exists, even though case after case has been put to you.
You have supported proven phony figures from an extremist site to back your hatred and have openly lied about your claimed verification of those phony figures (you ended up admitting you checked two, even though you claimed "many" and supported "all").
You denied the evidence that the first five cases on your extremist list had no verifiable connection with religious persecution, even though it was within your power to prove otherwise (you obviously checked them - who wouldn't - and found this to be the case, yet you still continued to deny the facts)
Your unbelievably hate-filled behaviour here as left us with enough evidence of your screaming psychotic hatred to keep us warm for several winters to come.
Please continue to supply it - "every little helps"
A word of comfort - your one success here is to have managed to drag someone I once believed to be a decent and intelligent human being down to your level - well done for that.
Jim Carroll