The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3595830
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Jan-14 - 06:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Every display of "humanity"
you have ever shown on this forum has come with evidence of your own inhumanity
Religious persecution - you deny and attempt to stifle discussion on any form of persecution by Christians.
Your 'concern for the citizens of Homs came with a support for the sale of sniper rifle bullets, the support reiterated here) that Assad should be sold riot control gear, and the insistence that the west cannot and should not intervene in any way to stop Assad (including seizing his and his henchmen's property in the UK.
This was later followed up with the sale of chemicals capable of manufacturing weapons to Syria was "as harmless as selling toothpaste"
Your support for Israel is counter-balanced by your describing British anti-fascists as "harmless" when Jews were going into extermination ovens in their millions and the very nutters you were defending were passing out anti-Semitic tracts while at the same time attempting to put together an alternative British government should Hitler win (as they declared they hoped he would)
Homophobia - your insistence on being anti was offset by your suggestion that Britain could not afford to give immigrant Aids sufferers medical treatment.
As I said, their's a library of your humanitarian pearls of wisdom to choose from, should you continue to claim to having a streak of humanity in you.
Keep it coming
Jim Carroll