The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3595896
Posted By: Bat Goddess
27-Jan-14 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Could have sworn I posted yesterday (and I usually copy before I hit Submit...just in case it doesn't "take") but as I was still in the throes of "The Bug" I haven't a clue as to what I'd posted that I'd accomplished, cuz 'tweren't much!

Oh, I DID inspire a friend (via a long phone conversation) to de-accession her VCR and a bunch of VHS tapes -- that will give her the shelf she needs for something more important.

Oh, I know what I did/posted... I was reading a book on eBay and exploring a few categories I'm likely to use on eBay. Stilly, there used to be an easy way to see prices realized recently (to aid in pricing). I'm sure that can still be done, but it looks as if it's been changed (and not quite so easy to get to; sigh).

So far this morning I've made major inroads in the organization and cleaning of the bedroom AND I've started another pile for Goodwill. And I've cleared snow off the deck and car yet again. It's comparatively warm today (30s F) so clearing the car was a lot easier than it would have been with yesterday's ice, but it will be back down to 6F tonight with a real feel of -12. Twenties for the next three days, then creeping upward again.

Today's when I get to use my cat shrink skills. After de-pooping the inappropriate place Sabine has insisted on using, I'll move the huge, heavy antique trunk to make space for another litter box for her close by and sheltered. (The inappropriate place is sheltered, but inaccessible to me without great difficulty.) Both Rufus and Sabine have their own separate litter boxes downstairs. Sabine's is sheltered and "private" in between the washer and dryer which are at right angles to each other. Unfortunately Rufus is a firm believer in "everything here is MINE" so has appropriated Sabine's litter box as well. Where her new litter box will be is where I can use a squirt gun on Rufus if he tries to use it. Wish me luck!
