The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59418   Message #3596563
Posted By: gnu
29-Jan-14 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Subject: RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Blender? Nay nay! Unless ye makin tea er brownies er carrot cake but if yer firin up a draw, be it on paper er screen, ya wants ta take the time ta sort stems n seeds. Besides, anyone who would destroy the seed of any plant is a person devoid of respect for Mom Nature. Well, that's what I have heard.

Or go with Acapulco Gold. Heard that from Cheech and Tommy.

A LARGE grow-op is about to be constructed in Moncton. I dunno what kinda cut Harper will get from it but I'll bet it will be a scad. He passed a law last year that increased the $ for medical ganja from practically nuthin to $28k a year for sick people. I'd like to make a joke about it but I can't. Instead, I'll just say our PM is an ignorant, greedy and SADISTIC FUCK.

Hmmm... maybe I can apply for a grow-op license? That way, if I ever need it, I can sell it to myself for profit AND claim it as a medical expense on my income tax. Win-win!