The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28674   Message #359701
Posted By: Troll
19-Dec-00 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: Tricky Dicky's Revenge
Subject: RE: Tricky Dicky's Revenge
Thanks, Wolfgang. I was speaking primarily of consistent repeatability, although freedom from bias would surely be good. The goal being, of course, a corec and accurate count.
We do need some clear rules as to just what constitutes a valid ballot, but no one ever dreamed that something like this would happen.
I blame, at least in part the media and their "projected winners" based on exit polls. When they project a winner before the polls have closed everywhere, it is unfair to everyone-voters and candidates alike.
Hopefully this will be corrected before the next national election-by self policing if possible; through legislation if necessary.
