The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28758   Message #360043
Posted By: Bill D
19-Dec-00 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: I think I'm conservative
Subject: RE: BS: I think I'm conservative
In response to DDW...... (re-paste of relevant sentences)
""As for "one group imposing rules, morés, religious restrictions, etc., on others, is to be feared." It seems to be that's the position of what passes for a liberal these days. They have rules for everything, dictate mores (you CANNOT dislike this group or that group), restrict religion (You CANNOT say a prayer at the start of anything). ""

..surely you are not really suggesting that laws against discriminaton 'infringe' on those who DO 'dislike this group or that'?.... or that restricting of public prayers which make minorities uncomfortable is the same as 'restriction of religion'???

In this society, under the Constitution, freedom OF religion is guaranteed, as it should be...but there can be no sane exercise of that right unless it also allows freedom FROM religion for those who so choose!..Jerry Falwell would have the entire societal structure based on HIS notion of religion if he could, and THAT is really conservative!....I would allow Mr. Falwell to worship as he pleases, but would NOT appreciate him trying to dictate how I live my life ...and that, I guess makes me a 'liberal' on the matter. (I belong to a society whose concern is wood (like tress & their products)...and by chance, a lot of the older members are conservative Christian...and there is a small, but unhappy group within it who do NOT see why we must be regaled with prayers to Jesus before every function or meal!..If I understand theology correctly, Jesus will hear even silent, personal prayers!)....there are similar distinctions to be made in other areas where YOUR right follow your proclivities may be superceeded by MY right not to be subjected to them..(smoking, playing bagpipes in a restaurant, carrying weapons...etc..)

Churches make distinctions between sins of omission, and sins of a similar way, I make a distinction between laws which restrict other's rights, and laws which restrict those who WISH to restrict other's rights...

(gee-..sorry not to have a cute little remark here..*grin*..I do sound so serious & grim...but it ain't always funny)