The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153681   Message #3601967
Posted By: Stringsinger
16-Feb-14 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
Subject: RE: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
I can understand why people in the GLBT community are turning against religious intolerance shown by most institutionalized churches.

Promiscuity can be a form of rebellion and actually a kind of anger against women and men. The " world's oldest profession" is based on the premise of a kind of defeatist attitude that doesn't explore that it maintains violence against women, encouraging pimps, enslaving women, and child sex trafficking. Through prostitution, many venereal diseases are brought into society leaving victims that have nothing to do with their origin.

Many religious sects encourage an atmosphere of violence against women and children, causing women to become robotic sex toys for degenerate men. The cliche of the "minister's daughter" is founded in truth.

Today, sex trafficking is at an all time high. The Todd Akins and David Vitter's of the world
have lead the public to tolerate the intolerable by justifying rape and supporting prostitution.

Religious leaders have conditioned their flocks to become brainwashed and obedient "lambs", making them suseptible to tolerating or ignoring societal ills and dysfunctions.

When people learn to think for themselves, stop being spoon fed scriptures and looking to religious leaders who, by their placing faith in them, become emotionally immune to the dehumanization of sex, abuse of women and children by priests, ministers and deacons,
then can society cut through the ruse of religious propaganda , gross authoritarianism and reactionary dogma to uplift true, not religious, moral values.