The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153464   Message #3602685
Posted By: Steve Shaw
18-Feb-14 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
Subject: RE: BS: Darwin's Witnesses
I don't know. I try to not read his garbage any more. I just pick up the odd buzz-word here and there. Stuff such as "Darwinist", "creationist scientist", "presupposes", "posits", "I haven't had time to check this but.." and "correct me if I'm wrong". If he's saying that radiocarbon dating is good for thousands of years, but not for millions of years, he's dead right. But you were calling that a "claim" for some reason. God I'm bored, Wacko. You know what you mean, I know you know what you mean and you know I know you know what you mean, but you have this quaint way of not checking what you've just typed and thinking to yourself "only a twat would type that and not edit it..."