The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153681   Message #3602726
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
19-Feb-14 - 01:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
Subject: RE: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
Antiquated views...

mmmm ...

That's one way of putting it I suppose.

Is oppression the new antiquated or antiquated the new oppressed?

Calling hatred antiquated isn't the answer. Anti semetism isn't dismissed as antiquated and neither should anti gay.

Twisting the words of others who gladly point out the reality behind shock statistics that appear at face value to denigrate a section of society isn't clever and isn't helpful. I have been subjected to a concerted effort by some to misconstrue every word I put. Especially if those words dismiss homophobic propaganda.

No. My conscience is clear.

By the way, I have no idea whatsoever what the worm is talking about regarding family members. I recall a post of mine went missing where I pointed out the moral of "Bruce's Song" which explored the bigotry of a Scottish man and the lifestyle of his best friend. As I believe this song was written in the '60s, I doubt that is what he is going on about?

So I remain confused. Or not as it happens. I can't explain his irrational hatred so I doubt I can understand his irrational outpourings.

This attempt to look at non belief, or rational lifestyle as I might call it has, like all other threads become a platform for bigotry and hate. A way of taunting reasonable people with distortion knowing they can't let such lies go unchallenged.

Says more about whacking the worm than anything else.