The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153763   Message #3603286
Posted By: gnu
20-Feb-14 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obituary:The Olympics
Subject: RE: BS: Obituary:The Olympics
BTW... figure skating? Few understand the complicated scoring deductions and the many judging rules. For instance, anyone know how a skater can gain 10% on a jump by it's time placement in the program without asking Mr. Google?

So, as fer the obit, maybe we could spice it up by combing these new "snow sculpture events" with trad events. Say, biathlon with half-pipe or whatever where the guys with the guns shoot at the pipers. Twice the points if the bi's crack the pipers at "jump" apex. The degree of difficulty for each would depend on how fast the pipers were flippin and spinnin around. Just to make it interesting, lace the course with pressure explosives.

Such would ensure a larger viewing audience... at least in Idaho.