The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153681   Message #3604738
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-Feb-14 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
Subject: RE: BS: Real Non-belief/not militant
Dave the Gnome: "'...and how many homosexuals, do you know, who settled down with their first 'lover'?'
"What a stupidly loaded question. How many PEOPLE do you know who settled down with their first lover?"

Actually, quite a few people I have known, and still do, who got together with their first love, settled down and raised their families.
My son, for one, married his high school sweetheart, has 9 kids, all by the same girl, my closest friend for 52 years married his first, my parents, another very close friend who is a VERY well known executive chef, and their entire circle of friends, my next door neighbors...and more, seemed to have been able to do it, AND are not complaining about it, at fact, they are still very much in love. It sounds like you have either not known of ANY, or just never bothered to inquire. That being said, I have known several homosexuals, and very talented people, some have died of AIDS, but NONE of them are with their first partner.......Well, you asked!

Most of them (the family by 'the first') don't even think about homosexuality. I've never gotten the impression that any of them 'hate' homosexuals, either...they are too busy relating to their own families....that being said, from the conversations we've had, none of them like their noses being rubbed in having to relate to the whining of homosexuals, who think their practices should be taken as seriously as they'd like. If anything, regular family folk are focused on their needs, to facilitate their families, and BEING a family. NONE of them, sit around hoping their kids will grow up to be homosexual....and I'll go a step further...if their kids did decide to pursue a homosexual lifestyle, the parents would have considered it a failure, on their part......(it's not uncommon, you know).

That all being said, does it mean they HATE homosexuals?...No, not at all. They don't even think about them, and at best are annoyed by their public displays, relating to them as an assault on a healthy society.
Hate, homophobia, bigotry has absolutely NOTHING to do with it...they are too busy caring for and nurturing their own families. The rabid frothing of homosexuals seeking 'legitimacy' is the furthest thing from their minds.

Hope that doesn't 'bother' you, but that's the way it is.


P.S. Virtually the only time I even discuss the issue, is on here, as well...having to address other mega-whiners who just don't get it.