The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3605297
Posted By: Musket
27-Feb-14 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
In the UK, the risks are similar to any other Western country, whilst digging into demographics shows inner city clusters of certain risk groups, more rural and provincial risk is spread more evenly.

The HIV risks in what we call third world countries, and especially most of Africa are exacerabted by mother to child transmission. Ignorance and access to not only drugs such as antiretrovirals but decent diet, (critical for antiretrovirals to suppress pathogens) make this a huge issue in these countries. Sadly, scapegoating and denial by desperate governments, sometimes egged on by malicious organisations in the west pile on the woe. It really is a sad bad situation.

It, like many others, is predominantly a blood borne virus, so risks include anal sex, Vaginal sex during menstruation or wall tear, needle share and needle stick, as well as a (getting rarer thankfully) blood transfusion risk. Other unlucky instances too, but they are the large ones. Historically, anal sex has been the most prevalent cause, and indeed it is. (It was explained to me as saying suppositories work fast because colon wall is a fast track access to blood stream from outside. Penis wall less so, but you'd be playing Russian roulette to rely on it.)

In the same way as alcohol, the baby boomers are the most vulnerable in that older people think it is a young person condition. However, picking up HIV through screening and picking it up through presentation of symptoms shows marked difference between groups. Gay men are most prevalent in screening and younger women and their male partners though presentation and tracing. (Source - HRG returns through NRLS 2012-13.). This pattern for England is, according to the World Health Organisation, typical for our peer group.

Health promotion and sexual health services here reiterate the risks and target at risk groups but also point out that HIV is statistically a lower risk of contraction than some other STDs, some of which, hepatitis C and cervical cancer are aggressive life changers or limiters themselves.

One of the sadder aspects of this virulent condition is how it has been politicised in order to identify fault in sections of society. Uganda and Nigeria are not odd in their demonisation of gay people, they are rather a norm many people would like to see elsewhere, and using this condition to nurture such views is a stain on society.