The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105530   Message #3606349
Posted By: JohnInKansas
02-Mar-14 - 02:35 AM
Thread Name: ADD: The Gillette Look Sharp March
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Gillette Look Sharp March
Vague recollection is that I found the melody used in a school (or frat) song in a fairly old songbook. I didn't have much luck with a search of likely books easily at hand.

Mention above is also made of playing it as an instrumental version in a school(?) marching band.

The melody would seem simple enough to inspire other uses and/or parodies.

My memory may be mostly hallucinatory (I remember lots of things I never kenw) but has anyone run into "other usages" worth noting????

(It's a pretty old thread, about due to be cut loose and set adrift.)
