The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153638   Message #3606678
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Mar-14 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Subject: RE: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
"Those olive-trees stuck in my craw as a peculiarly spiteful manifestation"
Thy offend me to but thay rate small against Sabra Shaitla, the Blockage, the use of chemical weapons.... all of which you have defended with either your total silence or your blanket support for Keith at the very least - praising with faint damns
I am well aware of the anti-Semitism that exists - the latest brand being to describe Israeli atrocities as "Jewish".
Rather than addressing supposed motives for criticism of Israel, why not try addressing the motives themselves - it would make a refreshing change?
"there are many who feel the terms of the vehement denunciations of the Carroll/GregĀ·F axis could be viewed as significantly suspect"
Actually, there aren't - just you, Keith, Boo Boo and Brucie - the sum total 'gang of four' who consistently defend these recognised atrocities and war crimes - you have the honour of being the first to have ever accused me of Anti - Semitism.
I've always considered it base cowardice to crouch behind six million dead to defend atrocities - as I said - lack of self respect
Jim Carroll