The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3606753
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
03-Mar-14 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
After a do nothing day on Saturday, I got up feeling GOOD! on Sunday. Not a grey day but a wonderfully sunny, and COLD one. I washed hair and dishes before breakfast - porridge. R stayed in bed, reading, until I was getting ready to leave for dancing. After a celery soup lunch, he announced he needed my help to unload the trailer. So, "it won't matter if I am a little late" and we unloaded about 20 LARGE - patio-door size - windows in heavy wooden frames. Yes! He needed help! only took about 10 min.

Then I dashed away to dance most of the afternoon to the wonderful Cajun music of Grouyan Gumbo. I felt so good - physically, mentally and a peace and joy in the spirit. It feels so GOOD to feel good!

However, as I did my computering in the morning - on line bill paying and deleted most emails, checked FB briefly to find an incredibly irrational - to me- post by my sil's sister - oh well - and an alert from Kijiji re a pottery kiln for sale. SO, I say to myself - "You already have four, don't even look at it!"

But of course I looked and did some research and -- So we drove an hour to the lovely home of a lovely French Canadian couple in their 70s. R always tries for a better price, being a died-in-the-wool-Scot. This time, he said, give the man the money and we'll figure out how to get this up the steps - from the beautiful basement up a beautiful finished wood staircase with a bend in it. They phoned a young neighbour who came over and he and R carried it out with no problems.

I felt a bittersweet delight in this event. The kiln is 31 years old and brand new. He had bought it when he was taking classes and enjoying it so much and set up a studio in his home but never got to use the kiln. It was still wearing some of the factory labels. They showed us one small pot - exquisite! - he had made and I feel a sadness that he never was able to pursue it completely.

Also, he bought it in 1983, the same year I bought my very much used, much loved, finally disintegrated in the NW, kiln. I remember the wonderful anticipation of awaiting the arrival of that kiln and our joy and trepidation as we studied how to use it and then got into it. The friend who fronted the money and in whose laundry room she and I installed it, is now a marvellous potter, thanks to her allowing me to set up in her family room for a few years!

So I remember all this and feel sad for this man who just gave up completely. We suspect health problems must have intervened and now their home is sold and they "had" to sell the kiln. This is another occasion in which my lack of comprehension of French has left me with lots of unanswered questions. In spite of my failure to communicate, they were quite clear about wanting to visit my studio. So we shall have to set this precious kiln up and start using it so, if they ever manage to visit, they cam see it getting the use he once dreamed of giving it.

So, I am excited, amazed, enthralled by the incident - I did not purchase a kiln, I rec'd a baton to carry on. So this morning, I turned the heat up in the studio so I can get some pots made and get ready for the next farm market, and in a month or so, to use the brand new kiln! Oh, the kiln - over $1000 new, was $200. I hope I can pass on my riches to the younger generations.

Now, I have had BF and the studio is warming, I shall delete emails, skip FB and get to it.

Also thinking of Linn as she sorts her way through joys and sorrows. What a wonderful event to celebrate the life of a much loved character!