The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28824   Message #360844
Posted By: kimmers
20-Dec-00 - 11:52 PM
Thread Name: Lighting a candle for the Smith Twins
Subject: RE: Lighting a candle for the Smith Twins
And mine, accompanied by my not-so-non-denominational prayer.

O Creator of the Universe, hold this innocent infant in the palm of your hand. Grant strength, tenacity and stubborness to his spirit and healing to his tiny body. Give peace and untroubled sleep to his parents, that they may not collapse under the strain. And grant wisdom, insight and dexterity to his physicians; chase the weariness from the bodies of those who care for this little boy that they may serve him as best they can. For you are our Strength, our Shield and our Savior. Amen.