The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3609715
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
14-Mar-14 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
CITY still:
I would not mow without wearing a respirator. The result too horrible to consider.

I am recovered from the most recent coughing; I am suspecting a food.

However, the real reason I am back on line is the JOY of no longer having a washing machine in the middle of the K!! R went to Canadian Tire for a couple things in the flyer, including a new scale for me. He got a rain check for the scale - only 9.99! Returning home, he backed the trailer up to the front stoop and wrestled the washing machine onto it, and the water heater and a large pc of plywood which were on the stoop since last week. SO NICE to see useless objects leave. I suspect the metal went to the scrap yard. It is amazing how much lighter life feels. Maybe there will be a newer washer soon. I have never looked forward so much to doing laundry! It is stashed everywhere!

I made 4 containers of humous and that left in the blender went on lettuce for lunch, with a few corn chips. Cooked the chick peas yesterday. Tried a new method: added the tahini (1 c) and lemon juice (1/4c) to the chick peas (2c before cooked) in the pan and mixed well, then put small batches into the blender. Worked better but could have used more lemon, maybe even 1/2c. Good though.

Once again we have a critter eating plants and - pulling the garbage bag out of my nice stainless step-on can! Definitely not a mouse! I expressed hope that the new K will be tight enough to prevent these incursions. Assured.

My car is shoveled out - by R. But he refused to buy me a real snow shovel; he does not see the need so I shall do it myself, as intended. I really do not care for the little collapsible one for real work. I do not believe I have ever seen a snow shovel in a yard sale or at an auction???   

Now I feel like finking out and leaving at 6 to be in time for the cafe and then load the kiln after. Yeah, that will work. The pots are drying nicely here, in front of a heater. I can stop on the way for a shovel and a bank deposit.