The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153828   Message #3609973
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
16-Mar-14 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Subject: RE: BS: Discussion of HIV transmission.
Musket: "Nobody is justifying homosexuality. On the basis you don't need to justify existing. Who would anyone justify themselves to?

Someone is trying to justify homophobia though."

Absolute nonsense! Concern over the spread of a DEADLY virus, through a certain group's sexual behavior, is NOT homophobia! IS, 'Concern over the spread of a DEADLY virus' because of their sexual behavior!!
...and it is NOT, " don't need to justify existing. "

Merely existing, is not the question, nor the controversy...BEHAVIOR is the issue....behavior that, because of self indulgent neglect, large amounts of people are DYING! What is it about that, that you don't understand????
Perhaps by denying that there is a problem, and/or denying that people who engage is such behavior, are at risk to themselves and others, perhaps you want them to contract a fatal disease, because underneath your 'so-called liberal' bantering, maybe YOU'RE homophobic!! Would you discourage people who share needles to be tested, on the basis that it would be 'politically incorrect' to hurt THEIR FEELINGS, as well??????

Hypocrisy on parade!
I don't see any of the posters that you demonize for being as 'bigoted homo-phobics', making value judgements, against anyone....and yet you call them 'haters'.
You need to separate yourself from what is 'politically correct' verses what is practical and safe.....if not for themselves, but for the victimization of the public, at large, due to UNSAFE sexual, (and addictive, for the needle sharers), practices!!!!
Get over yourself!
There is NO SANE reason, that political OPINIONS should override common sense, now is there???...and those who promote political opinions over common sense, might consider getting a new, and realistic political, or even an apolitical reality!
Politics are usually based on convince people to abandon COMMON SENSE, and replace it with often wishful thinking!!
How do YOU suggest that the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus should, or could be arrested?????????????........By denying it exists??..or how it spreads???.....or who is spreading it faster??.....because you're terrified of 'offending' the groups spreading it???...and being thought of being 'an imperfect liberal'???
Don't let your sense of 'political correctness' get in the way of recognizing the TRUTH, and doing what is right!

One more time, before I'm done,.."How do YOU suggest that the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus should, or could be arrested?????????????"